Category Archives: Uncategorized

No Kids Doesn’t Mean No Financial Planning

Raising kids is expensive, and no matter how you look at it, a certain amount of financial planning needs to be done to make sure the kids are being taken care of, from monthly expenses to saving for children’s college …

African-American Financial Planners Denting the Wage Gap

Two percent of financial planners are African-American according to Time, a number that planners like Lazetta Rainey Braxton are working to change. Braxton, 42, is the president of the Association of African American Financial Advisors, also known as Quad-A, a …

Generations May Change, Their Financial Goals Don’t

It’s no secret that the millennial generation is different. Between the technology they’ve experienced (and even invented) and new rules of etiquette when corresponding through social networks, the distance between millennials and other generations spans more than just years – …