Author Archives: Dr. Helga George

About Dr. Helga George

Dr. George has spent several years writing about higher education, healthcare and psychology. She transitioned to a career in writing after fulfilling her lifelong dream of performing research on plant defense chemicals. She earned a BS in Agriculture from Cornell University, an MS in Plant Pathology from the University of Massachusetts in Amherst, and a Ph.D. in Plant Pathology from Cornell University. Helga also conducted postdoctoral research at the University of California Santa Barbara where she obtained a USDA grant to fund her research.

How to Advise Clients About Timeshare Spending

The American Resort Development Association (ARDA) estimates that regardless of potential pitfalls, more than 9 million consumers invest in vacation timeshares each year. Yet, buying vacation timeshares has become synonymous with bad financial investment in recent years. In fact, according …

Financial Planner Offers Nuanced Mortgage Advice

Mortgage debts, which are among the most common forms of American debt, are frequent topics of discussion between financial planners and their clients. Typically, the advice of financial planners is to wait on paying off a mortgage quickly, since it …

No Kids Doesn’t Mean No Financial Planning

Raising kids is expensive, and no matter how you look at it, a certain amount of financial planning needs to be done to make sure the kids are being taken care of, from monthly expenses to saving for children’s college …